Sunday, February 27, 2011

National Book Festival 2011

National Book Festival 2010
Mark your calendar for the National Book Festival 2011 at the national mall on September 24.  The good news came from the Library of Congress, the event organizer, that the event would be extended for 2 days.  Last year, around 150,000 people attended the one day event at the mall. The expansion was made possible by a gift from financier and philanthropist David M. Rubenstein, who donated $5 million over five years for the festival.

Friday, February 25, 2011

US much behind the parental leave

The new report from the Human Rights Watch about the parental leave in the United States shows it's much behind than any other western counter part. The report, "Failing its Families," says at least 178 countries have national laws guaranteeing paid leave for new mothers, while the handful of exceptions include the U.S., Swaziland and Papua New Guinea. More than 50 nations, including most Western countries, also guarantee paid leave for new fathers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

পানকৌড়ির গল্প: ০০১

Meddah (The Story Teller)
পানকৌড়ির গল্প কিছু কাল্পনিক চরিত্র ও ঘটনার সন্নিবেশ। অবসরে কী বোর্ডের উপর আলতো হাতে ফুটিয়ে তোলার চেস্টা কিছু শব্দচিত্রের নির্মাণ যা খুব অজান্তে হৃদয়কে স্পর্শ করে। জীবন নদীর মতো প্রবাহমান। সময়ের সকল ব্যবধানকে অতিক্রম করে তার মাঝে বেঁচে থাকে খন্ড খন্ড গল্পগুচ্ছ। কিছু গল্প চলে আমাদের আলাপনে। কিছু গল্প আমরা বয়ে বেড়াই অদ্ভুত এক বোঝার মতো। আমাদের গল্পগুলো তার চরিত্রে আর প্রকাশে এক অনন্য আনন্দ বেদনার কাব্য। পানকৌড়ির গল্প শুরু হলো তুরস্কের মেদ্দার (গল্প বলিয়ে'র) অবলম্বনে। মেদ্দারা ভ্রাম্যমান গল্পকার যারা কফি হাউজের সামনে লোকজন জড়ো করে গল্প শুনাতেন যার মধ্যে থাকত অনেক নীতিকথা। তাহলে শুরু হোক পানকৌড়ির গল্প। এতে নীতিকথা তেমন না থাকলেও জীবনের বিচিত্র কথামালা নীরবে ঠাঁই নেবে।

Monday, February 14, 2011

What happened on February 14th in Bangladesh?

Like every other year, February 14th is being celebrated as Valentine's Day in Bangladesh. As the celebration continues, have we once remembered the day February 14th? Today in 1983, all the student fronts in Bangladesh came out from their campuses to protest the military dictator Ershad's autocratic rule and infamous Majid Khan's education policy. Let's read some excerpts from a few bloggers who have reminded us how shamelessly we've forgotten February 14th? One of the saddest days of our recent history has been silently replaced by Valentine's Day's "World Love Day". Long live our memory resembling a gold fish!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's not Spring yet, It's Bosonto

Spring in Washington DC has not come yet, it won't until March 20th, at least officially. But Bangladeshis all over the globe have started joyously celebrating the arrival of spring as the the first day of the Bangla month Falgun arrives on February 13th. They're singing: "Whether birds are singing or not, flowers are bloomed or not, today is spring". Let's welcome Spring "the queen of seasons" when nature graciously blesses our lives with blooms and festivities.

Why do you use Turmeric?

Turmeric (in Bangla হলুদ), a must ingredient for South Asian culinary, is proving its power as medication. So, next time when you use it, don't think for its color, think about its secret power that may treat patients after stroke. You're not convinced yet!

BBC reports, "A drug derived from the curry spice turmeric may be able to help the body repair some of the damage caused in the immediate aftermath of a stroke".

NIH says: Turmeric May hold answers to Bone-Protective Effects (September 2010), Alzheimer's Disease (July 2009)and Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms.

Don't forget about turmeric if you're seriously considering liver cleansing and weight loss!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's just a beginning for Egypt

Photo Credit: The Washington Post
After 18 days of protest, victory finally came for the Egyptian protestors. Hosni Mubarak's autocratic regime has been over as he fled Cairo after 30 years' iron rule. Egyptians are celebrating freedom as they're hoping to begin a new chapter of democracy. They've won the path for "a clean start" (BBC News) towards democracy, but their destination is still far away.  The Washington Post suggests, "...the best way forward is to institutionalize the dialogue taking place today and convert it into a national conference or round- table negotiation between state institutions, youths, the political forces and independent national figures."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where will be the next revolution?

After Egypt, likelihood of another mass revolution is increasing in the Middle East.  Time publishes a research study on the likelihood of the next revolution under the grip of dictators based on factors such "as press freedom, free elections and civil liberties on the one hand, and the countries' history of repression and democracy on the other". The study will be soon published at Journal of Conflict Resolution. What are the factors that you need to consider that will ignite the next revolution around you?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does privacy really exist?

How private is your information over the internet? CBS News features the story of a high school teacher who lost her job when her privacy was compormised in the social network. The internet is managing a dossier based on our phone numbers, shopping or chatting. So, be careful before your next surprise brings any embarrasement for you. Watch the story of Ashley Payne whose picture cost her school teacher job.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watch Birds of Paradise

PBS Produced the video documentary on the "Birds of the Paradise" that features,  birds " on the island of New Guinea in the South Pacific lives the most striking and diverse group of birds on the planet. Birds of paradise defy imagination. Covered in spectacular plumage, each species within the Paradisaeidae family is distinct.

Amnesty International Met Bangladeshi Leader

Abbas Faiz, the South Asia researcher for Amnesty International, met Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on January 30th in London during her visit. He highlights his discussion with the Bangladeshi Prime Minister about war crimes trials and extrajudicial executions in Banlgadesh. He expresses concern about the extrajudicial executions that undermine the human rights condition in Bangladesh.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bangla becoming Universal Network Language

Bangla, the fourth most spoken language in the world, is becoming the integral part of the Universal Network Language (UNL). UNL is an automated program that translates world language virtually into any target language. More than 150 languages including English, French, Arabic, Hindi have already become part of the UNL. Transforming Bangla into an international language through UNL will revolutionize our access to the world of global languages as it will let machine translate any target language(s). The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh is running this project as they are coding morphological grammar and dictionary for the UNL which will be finished within one year. Read the rest in Bangla:

Asians growing in Virginia

The newly released census report shows Hispanics and Asians contributed to increasing Virginia's population over 8 million in the past decade. This surge transformed Virginia into a far more diverse place, according to the recent census figure. The Washington Post reports, Asian's grew 68% as their number rose from 90,000 to 233,000 in the past decade. A third of the growth was in Northern Virginia, and most of the rest was in the Hampton Roads area and Central Virginia.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Enjoy food but eat less: New FDA Guideline

FDA issued 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans on January 31st. Are we serious about our food intake? Please read the full 112 page long dietary guideline here. The federal government's evidence-based nutritional guidance encourages promoting health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and reducing the prevalence of overweight and obesity through improved nutrition and physical activity.

  • Avoid oversized portions.
  • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
  • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
  • Compare sodium in foods and regulate
  •  Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Compensation for the Bangladeshi fire victims

Finally, the actvism and lobbying efforts for the Bangladeshi garments workers have been paid off as the multinational companies agreed to work with the garment industries in Bangladesh to ensure compensation for the workers who were victims of the recent fire.

Yes, money can buy happiness!

It's an age old question whether money can buy happiness in life or not.  Finally, the researchers from The Wharton School concluded that "the more money you have, the more satisfied you are with life – and that relationship holds true whether you are a citizen of the United States or of Burundi. As it turns out, the happiness effect isn’t relative; it’s based on a person’s absolute income".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Documentary on Climate Change in Bangladesh

Credit: National Geographic
Rosa Rogers directed documentary the "Climate Change in Bangladesh: Who Will Pay"? has won the 2nd prize under the Film Category of Indigenous People. The contest was organized by the World Bank. The documentary shows how climate change is causing havoc in the southern Bangladesh as fertile land becomes encrusted with salt, killing crops and fouling drinking water.