Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC has published its December edition of Vibrant Bangladesh, a monthly web journal. This month's 13 page long journal covers issues like political and foreign affairs, good governance, business and trade, digital Bangladesh, infrastructure development and sustainable development issues.
The current issue covers the following topics:
POLITICAL AND FOREIGN AFFFAIRSHon. Prime Minister urges SAARC nations to promote tradeGerman President visits BangladeshGOOD GOVERNANCEUNCTAD report lauds Bangladesh’s economic progress
BUSINESS, TRADE AND INVESTMENTFrozen fish export to the EU: Bangladesh exempted from mandatory testCar Plant to be set up in SavarGlobal marketing summit in Dhaka
DIGITAL BANGLADESHE-book gets huge response ICT fair in Dhaka
INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTWorld Bank to provide Bangladesh$172m for solar panelRolls-Royce engines for Bangladesh’s power company
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTCarbon trading: Bangladesh can earn $70m annuallySwedish support in urban servicesAustralia to provide Bangladesh A $15m climate aid
EMBASSY NEWSNovember 21Armed Forces Day observedNovember 30Death Anniversary of Late Akhter Ahmed Khan
Vibrant Bangladesh's featured stories may sound interesting to the Bangladeshi diaspora but it needs major uplifts focusing Washington-based diplomatic, consular, trade and business services and opportunities. Otherwise, it will look like reproduction of some news items from Dhaka. Unfortunately, this month's issue has inadvertently omitted highlights of the Special Edition on Bangladesh in Time's supplementary.